Food Allergy

If you note any food allergy reaction whenever you or your love ones ate certain food ... from rashes, cough to asthma and anaphylactic reaction ... confirm it with an allergy test ... besides taking food allergen off the recipe and menu ... you need to ensure that there are no cross contamination from the worktop to equipments used ... read labels of packaged products ... unsured don't use ... it can be life threatening for someone with severe allergy and anaphylactic reaction.

Ang Ku Kway

  • green bean 500 gm
  • sugar 300 gm
  • oil
  • peanut 500  gm
  • sugar 250 gm
  • water / oil / peanut butter 2 tbsp
  • banana leaf 
  • sweet potatoes 200 gm (not more than 300 gm)
  • glutinous rice flour 600 gm
  • red / orange coloring 
  • coconut milk or water   250gm
  • oil
  1. wash and soak green / split bean for 6 to 8 hours, steam for about 20 mins
  2. smash steamed beans, add oil and fry
  3. add sugar and fry till dry, cool
  4. make small ball about 20 gm
  1. ground roasted peanut
  2. add sugar, oil / peanut butter / water
  3. mix and make into small ball about 20 gm
  1. banana leaf cut bigger than the size of the kway
  2. wash and set aside
  3. steam sweet potatoes and  smashed 
  4. add glutinous rice flour, rub in method, till crumbly
  5. add coloring, coconut milk, mix knead into dough, add oil
  6. rolled on flour surface, divided into small balls  about 30 gms each
  7. flatten each ball and wrap around filling
  8. dust mould with flour, press wrapped filling into mould
  9. knock out moulded kway, place on  oiled banana leaf
  10. steamed for 5 mins, remove and  dry cover, steam another 5 min
  11. repeat process one mor time, total steam 15 mins
  12. brush oil over kway

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