Food Allergy

If you note any food allergy reaction whenever you or your love ones ate certain food ... from rashes, cough to asthma and anaphylactic reaction ... confirm it with an allergy test ... besides taking food allergen off the recipe and menu ... you need to ensure that there are no cross contamination from the worktop to equipments used ... read labels of packaged products ... unsured don't use ... it can be life threatening for someone with severe allergy and anaphylactic reaction.

Soya Bean Milk / Soya Bean Curd

Ingredients: (Soya Bean Milk)

  • Ratio 4 tbsp soy beans : 350ml water
  • Pandan leaves
  • Rock sugar

  1. First soak the soy beans in water overnight. After soaking, discard water and rinse a few rounds with water.
  2. Place the beans in an electric blender and add water, do this in batches of 4 tbsp soy bean to 350ml each round.
  3. Blend the soy bean and water for at least 2 minutes, taking a break every 30 seconds to prevent the appliance from overheating.
  4. Filter the milk through a fine sieve
  5. Use a coconut squeezer bag – basically a cloth filter/muslin bag with fine holes.
  6. Place the pulp in the bag and squeeze it to extract the remaining milk in the pulp.
  7. After squeezing, the pulp is dry and compact.
  8. For extra smooth soya bean milk, sieve the milk mixture a few more times. 
  9. Transfer to a pot, add pandan leaves for extra fragrance. 
  10. Bring to a gentle simmer (not boiling or the milk will curd) over medium low heat for 10 minutes, stirring with a ladle regularly. 
  11. After simmering, add rock sugar to taste and stir until they dissolve. Off the flame
  12. Serve warm or chilled.
  •  Due to the absence of preservatives, the longest to kept it refrigerated for 1 to 2 days. 

 Ingredients: (Soya Bean Curd)
  • 720 ml unsweetened soya milk
  • 2 tsp gelatin
  • 120 sugar syrup

  1. place soya milk in a pot, add gelatin
  2. heat up over medium heat, do not boil
  3. strain, cool, set in a refrigerator 8 hours or more
  4. serve with sugar syrup
  • instead of a muslim cloth or a filter bag ... i used a sieve and a skimmer ... which gave me a smooth bean curd as well.

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