Food Allergy

If you note any food allergy reaction whenever you or your love ones ate certain food ... from rashes, cough to asthma and anaphylactic reaction ... confirm it with an allergy test ... besides taking food allergen off the recipe and menu ... you need to ensure that there are no cross contamination from the worktop to equipments used ... read labels of packaged products ... unsured don't use ... it can be life threatening for someone with severe allergy and anaphylactic reaction.

Steam Rice Kway (Chwee Kueh)

  • rice flour 600 gm
  • corn flour 2 tbsp
  • cold water 800 ml
  • hot water 1600 ml
  • oil 2 tbsp
  • salt 
  • sugar
  • salted / sweet turnips (char poh)
  • oil
  • black soy sauce
  • chilli
  • parsley

  1.  in a pot ... mix well rice flour, corn flour and cold water ... 
  2. add oil and hot water ... stirr well ... over low fire till thicken ...
  3. pour into oil mould ... steam for 15 mins 
  4. fry salted / sweet turnips till fragrant ... add black soy sauce for color ...
  5. serve steam rice cake with fried turnips, chilli and parsley

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